I denna artikel inriktar vi oss främst på bruttonationalprodukten (BNP) per capita i Europeiska unionens (EU) 27 medlemsstater, men vi tar även 


BNP (PPP) per capita (USD) 1 Liechtenstein: 139 100 [26] 2 Qatar: 129 700 3 Monaco: 115 700 [27] 4

View discussions in 1 other community. How Does GDP Per Capita Work? Essentially, GDP per capita acts as a metric for determining a country's economic output per each person living there. Often times, rich nations with smaller populations tend to have higher per capita GDP. Once you do the math, the wealth is spread among fewer people, which raises a country's GDP. Purchasing power parities (PPPs) are the rates of currency conversion that try to equalise the purchasing power of different currencies, by eliminating the differences in price levels between countries. Current health expenditure (CHE) per capita in PPP int$ Short name: CHE_pc_PPP,GHED_CHE_pc_PPP_SHA2011 .

Ppp per capita

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GDP per capita is based on purchasing power parity (PPP). GDP is gross domestic product converted to international dollars using PPP rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as the U.S. dollar has in the United States. GDP at purchaser’s prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies BNP - per capita (PPP) (US $) 1: Liechtenstein: 139,100: 2: Qatar: 124,100: 3: Macau: 122,000: 4: Monaco: 115,700: 5: Luxemburg: 105,100: 6: Bermuda: 99,400: 7: Singapore: 94,100: 8: Isle of Man: 84,600: 9: Brunei: 78,900: 10: Irland: 73,200: 11: Norge: 72,100: 12: Falklandsöarna (Islas Malvinas) 70,800: 13: Förenade Arabemiraten: 68,600: 14: Kuwait: 65,800: 15: Hong Kong: 64,500: 16: Schweiz: 62,100: 17: Gibraltar: 61,700: 18: Förenta Staterna BNP (PPP) per capita Bruttonationalprodukt ( BNP ) är ett mått på den totala ekonomiska aktiviteten i ett land under en tidsperiod, vanligen ett år. Det kan uttryckas som värdet av total konsumtion av varor och tjänster, brutto investeringar samt export minus import . Current health expenditure (CHE) per capita in PPP Data by country Also available: GDP per capita PPP - Forecast 2020-2022.

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PPP står för Purchasing Power Parities, eller köpkraft som det heter på svenska. Vid mätningen av BNP med hjälp av PPP, tar man hänsyn till prisnivå och köpkraft i varje land vid beräkningen. Den enhet som används (internationell dollar) har samma köpkraft i hänsyn till BNP som amerikansk dollarn har i USA.

When price levels in a country are much lower than in the US, using US dollars at market exchange rates will significantly underestimate the standard of living when measured through GDP per capita. The Gross Domestic Product per capita in the United States was last recorded at 62682.80 US dollars in 2019, when adjusted by purchasing power parity (PPP). The GDP per Capita, in the United States, when adjusted by Purchasing Power Parity is equivalent to 353 percent of the world's average.

GNI per capita in PPP terms (constant 2011 PPP$) Aggregate income of an economy generated by its production and its ownership of factors of production, less the incomes paid for the use of factors of production owned by the rest of the world, converted to international dollars using PPP rates, divided by midyear population.

Ppp per capita

Afghanistan. 2202.30. GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) - Slovak Republic from The World Bank: Data Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). Find Out As the graph below shows, using PPP adjusted international dollars rather than US market dollars as unit of measure can make a huge difference. When price levels in a country are much lower than in the US, using US dollars at market exchange rates will significantly underestimate the standard of living when measured through GDP per capita. Luxembourg is the top country by GDP per capita based on PPP in the world. As of 2020, GDP per capita based on PPP in Luxembourg was 112,875 international dollars.

Ppp per capita

PPP GDP is gross domestic product converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as the U.S. dollar has in the United States.
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Ppp per capita

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The average salary in the country is around 12,100,000 IDR per  PPP tas med i beräkningen för att ge en mer rättvis jämförelse av ländernas BNP per capita. Värdet anges i en hypotetisk valuta som kallas  Köpkraften av en dollar är högre i Indien än i Norge. Behöver korrigera för detta. Lösningen är att köpkraftskorrigera BNP (PPP -- Purchasing Power Parity).
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GDP (PPP) per capita (2017) GDP (nominal) per capita (2017) vs. World PPP GDP per capita ($17,100) 1: Qatar: $128,647 : $61,264: 752% ; 2: Macao: $115,367 : $80,890: 675% ; 3: Luxembourg: $107,641 : $105,280: 629% ; 4: Singapore: $94,105 : $56,746: 550% ; 5: Brunei : $79,003 : $28,572: 462% ; 6: Ireland: $76,745 : $69,727: 449% ; 7: United Arab Emirates: $74,035 : $40,325: 433% ; 8: Kuwait: $72,096 : $29,616: 422% ; 9: Switzerland

Siffrorna kommer från internationella  USA lägger i särklass mest: 17,7 procent av BNP eller 8 508 dollar per capita i köpkraftsparitet, PPP. Övriga rika länder ligger runt 8–12 procent  Bruttonationalinkomst per invånare i Luxemburg.

In the ppp per capita, Luxembourg is ahead of 2nd ranked occupier Singapore by a good margin of Int. $18,351. In the nominal ranking, Ireland might overtake Switzerland to take the 2nd spot, and Denmark will surpass Singapore for 6th place. Netherlands and Sweden will replace Australia and Qatar in …


An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as the U.S. dollar has in the United States. GDP at purchaser’s prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) - Russian Federation International Comparison Program, World Bank | World Development Indicators database, World Bank | Eurostat-OECD PPP Programme. License : CC BY-4.0 2019-12-28 GDP (PPP) per capita (2017) GDP (nominal) per capita (2017) vs. World PPP GDP per capita ($17,100) 1: Qatar: $128,647 : $61,264: 752% ; 2: Macao: $115,367 : $80,890: 675% ; 3: Luxembourg: $107,641 : $105,280: 629% ; 4: Singapore: $94,105 : $56,746: 550% ; 5: Brunei : $79,003 : $28,572: 462% ; 6: Ireland: $76,745 : $69,727: 449% ; 7: United Arab Emirates: $74,035 : $40,325: 433% ; 8: Kuwait: $72,096 : … Current health expenditure (CHE) per capita in PPP Data by country Also available: GNI per capita, PPP (current international $) - Nigeria from The World Bank: Data Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). Find Out GDP per capita PPP - Forecast 2020-2022. WORLD AMERICA EUROPE ASIA AUSTRALIA AFRICA.